Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Across the long reflecting pool at the botanical garden. At the back is the Climatron, the remarkable multi-ecosystem geodesic dome. 

It would be nice to scare up some new material but the restrictions in our area have gone up a couple of notches. Local hospitals are a week or two from bursting over capacity as the virus surges. Well  spaced outdoor stuff is okay and the whole family is going to Garden Glow on Saturday night.                    


  1. This one came out okay Bob. Same story over here, I can't remember normal life.

  2. I like seeing all of the lights. I'm the same way about getting new material.

  3. Hi Bob, have really enjoyed seeing all of your magical Botanical Garden lights shots, I bet Madeleine loved them too.
    P.s. We don't have to wear mask here Bob, we have had no community Covid at all for the last several months. Our Premier closed our borders to the rest of Australia and the world months ago, our borders are still restricted, people coming from other states have to quarantine for two weeks when they arrive. We are very lucky he took such a strong stand.
