Monday, May 4, 2020


Closed today but not forever. Like most cities, we have a number of small breweries, some with enough volume to sell in stores, some just restaurant-sized. This is part of one of my favorites, Urban Chestnut. As a matter of fact, I am sipping one of their products as I write this. They call it Zwickel, described as Bavarian lager. Mmmm mmmm.         


  1. I always wonder about the high housenumbers you have got there. When we are over 300 it is already to high. It must have something to do with the length of the street.

  2. The pubs here are trying to figure out how to open before the Aug 10th date that they have been given. Social distancing will be one of the challenges to figure out.

  3. A perfect way to do your blogging!

  4. Two weeks without any kind of beer in all Mexico. Hello, Bob, I really appreciate your kind words. I also miss your wonderful photos every morning, your stories and impressions of your part of the world. In September 2017, I stopped taking pictures, due mostly to lack of time and besides, in that same month we suffered two earthquakes that altered, one way or another, our personal and work lives, which eventually affected the availability of time to share photos. I have not stopped taking pictures, but not to show only my city, but a more intimate way, and to develop new ways. Now I'm publishing photos on Instagram (, and other members of the cities community post there as well. I'll try to get back to the blog as soon as I can. Greetings, thank you again and take care of yourself.
