Sunday, January 21, 2018

STL Women's March 2018

My  wife, daughter and granddaughter banded together in solidarity yesterday and headed downtown for the 2018 women's march. I got to play chauffeur and photojournalist.

There was a big turnout, although I haven't seen any numbers yet. I was surprised because the event received little advance publicity - a thin Facebook page, a bare-bones web site and nothing on the local TV news or NPR station that crossed my path. That didn't prevent women (and a few friends) from turning out by the thousands. More of this to come.    


  1. That is a good sign she is holding up.

  2. Good for them! I love all those signs especially the one in the last photo.

  3. Bless them all. There was a march here as well, but I wasn't downtown while it was happening.
