Wednesday, March 22, 2017

STL DP's 10th Anniversary

Honestly, I had no idea.

There was the childhood Brownie camera and the 35 mm Yashica film camera that came with the woman I married (both of them happily still around). The trip to India and Nepal in 2000, when I brought along one of the first consumer digital cameras. The video producer who said, perhaps out of flattery, that I had a good eye and recommended the Maine Media Workshops, where I spent five of the happiest weeks of my life. The colleague in my legal specialty in Seattle who had a daughter going to college in Washington who had heard about this City Daily Photo thing that might be of interest.

And Virginia and Jing and Jack and Olivier and Grace and Steffe and C de Q and Jilly and Nathalie and Grace and William and Ming and David and Julie and Julie and Sharon and Hal Cyon and Bibi and Stef and Luis and Bill and Kate and Kim and all the people I've forgotten to mention and all the people who have come and gone, leaving memorable images. And, of course, Eric. And, of course, the dear, departed Birdman.

There has been an anniversary post every year.  Being a little short on time and creativity, the photo above is the entrance of 10 South Broadway downtown, with a little digital goofing. I was surprised how many of the old pix were not taken in STL. From the beginning of the series:

2008 - A Buddhist monk in Thailand. I got in some trouble for taking this without his explicit permission, a cultural taboo I was unaware of. Our guide actually got down on her knees with forehead to ground, begging forgiveness for the idiot Yank. I won't know if it did any good for at least a few incarnations.

2009 - On Bourbon Street in New Orleans. This guy and his friends have been out there for years, posing for tips. The store beside him actually sells huge ass beers to go, depending on your definition.

2010 - This started as an exercise in learning Photoshop, dropping in one head and face over another and blending it in. Cousin Russell never objected.

2011 - Things were a bit more creative years ago. Time grinds us down.

2012 - Not my photo! Mrs. C and I in Menton, France, taken by our dear friend Jilly.

2013 - Not what it seems. The tiles mark the intersection of St. Louis and Bourbon Streets in New Orleans. 

2014 - things start to get a little less creative. Not too bad a photo but time is linked to entropy, somebody said

2015 - just a couple of blocks away, but one of a only couple of the anniversary pictures that works in the local icon

2016 - if you are counting single digits it's good to live in a city with numbered streets.

 See all of you again tomorrow. Who's counting?


  1. La Classe, un joyeux Anniversaire...Wouah DIX ANS et toujours avec autant d'ardeur, J'ADORE...

  2. Congratulations with the anniversary, keep going!

  3. The entire City Daily Photo community is also recognizing you and your blog's tenth anniversary.

  4. Huge congratulations Bob, you have done a brilliant job of showcasing your city and the world in general ☺ for the past ten years, I still think a coffee table book is in order when you retire and have time to organise it! J'adore 'Crowe in Command' and I so wish you were, your current commander in chief is doing my head in 😀

  5. Bravo! I stumbled across this site about 2009 or so...? There was a reference to it in the Post, something about the Cardinals, I think...anyway, once I got here I never left. I have boundless admiration for the effort and commitment it must take to keep this going. THANK YOU for bringing so much beauty to the cyber universe - here's to another 10 years!

  6. Congrats to you on the 10 years! I
    I still miss Birdman and his humor and often wonder how his family is doing.

  7. Congratulations on the big 10th anniversary of your blog. Very impressive Bob!

  8. Happy 10th anniversary!! Very cool series of timeline shots.

  9. It will be 10 years of city blogging for me in August, though not always in the same place. Blogging is almost like a full-time job in and of itself. Congrats on the milestone and hope you continue!

  10. I LOVE This post! Congratulations on the ten year anniversary! That is an amazing achievement. I've got a year to go before I hit the 10 year mark.

  11. It's been a fun decade! Always interesting to see what you will come up with. Hard to believe that we have done this for so long now. Keep up the good work!
