Sunday, December 4, 2016

Something New

There is a view of the northern end of the Arch grounds from my office window. It seems like a couple of years since the garage there was demolished and a very different type of park constructed. It's full of swirls and curves, multiple layers leading to uncertain destinations. A swooping walkway leads down from the main park grounds, beside Eads Bridge and into the sunken terraces.

It just opened to the public so I went for some shots notwithstanding the gray day. Good first impression but I'm waiting for spring and summer when the foliage starts to grow in. 


  1. The side of the east bridge looks like the fundament is from the roman empire, then a piece from medieval times and on top something from our age. But this park look very promising.

  2. I remember that parking garage very well. So is Laclede's Landing still down there too? We had a few team parties at a bar down there back in the 90's.

  3. I can see this offering you completely new perspectives, Bob!

  4. It will be nice to explore that area, looks promising.

  5. Somehow it reminds me of a tiny version of New York's High Line.

  6. There's another transition for you Bob!
