Monday, November 14, 2016

Yeah, I'm There

At the Anti-Trump rally downtown yesterday afternoon. I'd say there were a couple of thousand people. It had a starting point but no pre-defined route, wandering through major streets, blocking traffic and pissing off a lot of motorists. That didn't help their cause.

Still, my heart was with them. I think that's a look of real pain on the face of the woman with the sign below. If my face hadn't been stuck in a viewfinder I'd have looked about the same. I am not getting over the election. It's eating at me. Trump and his pals violate about every value I have. I'm sick. I'm ashamed to be an American these days.

But that can't be allowed to persist. I'm thinking and thinking about what I should do. Cannot just sit and watch with mouth gaping.             


  1. His ideas about climate change are of an innocent toddler. That man has not any knowledge of the world. It worries many people.

  2. I know how you feel. I'm feeling the same but, I have to figure out how to get past it. One thing we can do is to figure out how to get rid of the electoral college or at least change the distribution of the voting.

  3. It's scary having a clueless racist ass becoming our next president. He a pathetic human being.

  4. Trump and his pals--aka the Antichrist and the False Prophets!

  5. I advise constant vigilance.

    There was a quote last week that sums up my feelings: I over estimated the basic decency of the American people.

  6. I stand with every one who protests Donald Trump, his presidency, and the state of our government. The need for change only went darker and there have been exploding instances of hate crimes and intimidation by the right, the protesters need to push equally to combat the other side, they show hate, we show love for our fellow person, we stand together because we are stronger together.

    "Plant yourself like a tree against the river of truth and tell the whole world. No, You Move." Sharon Carter, Captain America Civil War

  7. Strong and important documentary. You should sell these images to European newspapers! I, and many with me got not only surprised that HILLARY did not win with so many votes over Mr. Trump. We got shocked!
    We know that Trump has not been a politician, and now he is not positive about NATO, but positive about Putin and his team. We (Norway) have our border with Russia, and I just hope that they know what they do.

    I can not understand how husbands and fathers could vote for a man with a language and attitude like his. Nor can I understand who women could do it....

    Seriously, I have never ever been so shocked when it comes to politics!

    I hope his action will be a lot better than what he has been talking about.....

  8. I really feel for you now. Hard to come to terms with what happened. Our former prime Minister Carl Bildt is still in chock:
