Friday, October 7, 2016

Something New

There were some additions this year to the Renaissance Faire or Festival or whatever it styles itself these days. One of them is Mermaid Cove. A few young women in costume hang around a concrete water course making noises like porpoises at a Sea World show. A bit bizarre but good for photographers.

This has about as much to do with the Renaissance as Donald Trump has to do with humility. The event is turning into a weird costume party with lots of beer swilling. (In one of my shots the second mermaid is knocking down a tankard.) 

If you don't care for this, we haven't gotten to the blood in the sand yet.       


  1. Everything goes these days, I'm not sure why the Orc was at the Viking festival but there he was. But as long is it's good for photographers i'm not complaining.

  2. Nice shots Bob! You sure find some interesting subjects. :)

  3. It does seem peculiar, but it is good for photo ops!

  4. I've got no problems with barely dressed women, Bob.

  5. There's something not quite right about those mermaids Bob, a mermaid never drinks and swims 😀😀

  6. The first one is quite cute.
    The beer drinking doesn't seem quite in line with the concept.
    I love your line that says This has about as much to do with the Renaissance as Donald Trump has to do with humility.
