Friday, July 1, 2016

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Look Down

Arch 2013-07-06 1

I had to go deep into the archives for this one. Taken from a restaurant in an upper floor of the tallest building downtown. Bridges, the Arch, the Mississippi River and Illiniois in the background.  

I have lots of pix still to post from the Pridefest Parade. They may have to wait until I run through images from tonight's destination, Clare, Michigan. It's kinda out there. All will be revealed.             


  1. th image looks great in black and white.

  2. It's a perfect snapshot for today's theme. What better than a city's plus nature's icons!

  3. That's a pretty impressive foursome you're looking down on there Bob!

  4. Beautiful image--in black and white, even the Mississippi looks good!

    Tallest building in the city...has to be Metropolitan Square.

  5. You had to show the arch. Quite dramatic.
