Sunday, May 1, 2016

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Smell

Someone said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. More or less the same with photography about smell. This theme didn't grab me, maybe too much of a metaphoric stretch. But if you are a CDP elder ya gotta post something. Hence, a pan of barbecue and some kind of weird lily I brought home from the supermarket. 

There's something entirely different that's good about today. If the plan works (if the plan works) I will stop working full time in exactly one year. Maybe I should get one of those counter widgets.               


  1. Nice one Bob :) Good to hear you could be cutting your workload down, you work too hard, more time for the important things like grandchildren and photography :)

  2. I agree with Grace. Life is too short. Time to enjoy the things that matter most!

  3. Barbecue is a perfect smell for St. Louis!
    So, your countdown to retirement begins! Wonderful!

  4. The lily's quite colourful.

    I wonder if there are those hourglass things that count down a year. They'd have to be pretty bloody big.

  5. I wasn't too keen on this month's theme either. Congrats(?) on your almost-retirement. :)

  6. Perfect images for the theme!

  7. The theme is indeed tough, but it was a good one precisely because it was't easy. I like your two interpretations and can practically smell them through the screen.

    And . . . congratulations on the approaching end of the full-time gig. Retirement rocks.

  8. I enjoyed your post. Really hope the 'plan' goes to plan :).
