Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Over The Shoulder

A self portrait of Max Beckmann glowers over a bursting vase. He taught at Washington University later in life and our art museum has the largest single collection of his work. There is a large room full of his paintings, which can be overpowering. The painting in the second shot is Portrait Of A Woman by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, a painter I know nothing about.          


  1. Nice flower arrangement in the vase in the first snap.

  2. Nice to comment the unsharp paintings in the back and leave the flower arrangements untouched by words. Perhaps its also better.

  3. It's fascinating to see the interplay of flowers and art.

  4. "Bursting vase" is right. That bouquet is huge. Two great arrangements.

  5. I discovered Beckmann at an exhibition in Baden-Baden over a decade ago and loved his works. I love your compositions too.

  6. I don't know anything about Beckmann, but Kirchner was a noted fauvist, which means (my words, not art historians') he used strong colors in somewhat unnatural ways.

  7. Beautiful flowers and nice art at the back.
