Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Stay Warm

The Tivoli
The Tivoli, STL's leading (if not only) art house cinema, in the middle of the Delmar Loop in University City. The town gets its name because most of Washington University is within its limits (although bits are in St. Louis proper and Clayton). Warm popcorn and movies sounds good at this time of year but we're more likely to do it at home with Netflix or Amazon Prime.


  1. Stay warm, see movies, I could go along with that. What I have a problem with is eating popcorn while you watch movies.

  2. All three sound like good ideas!

  3. I love movies, but I've never developed a fondness for popcorn.

  4. I'm a lover of all three, and honestly, I miss the availability and coziness of an old-fashioned movie theater. Not so many around anymore.

  5. I'm a big fan of the old movie houses Bob, not so much the popcorn :)
