Thursday, January 14, 2016

Pick Yer Griffin

Griffin And Church

This pair of griffins top the columns at the east entrance to Tower Grove Park. I don't know which of the photos I like better. Slightly different effects and feeling.

The church in the top photo is where Mrs. C and I were married. Getting close to 42 years now.                

Griffin - Tower Grove Park


  1. The last one gives me the feeling of looking at a photo from an english explorer at around 1900 showing some excavations from babylon. The first one a much to small sunshade on the lens.

  2. Looks pretty fancy! 42 is a big (and special) number. Congrats!

  3. Oh gosh, I don't know which I like better either. They both are wonderful shots.

  4. I'm going with Griffin one Bob, the whole image and setting looks more Gothic.
