Thursday, November 12, 2015

Street Chess

Chess Matches

Factoid: St. Louis is a hotbed of high level chess activity. I'm miserable at it so I just report what I see and hear. The U.S. championship has been held at the St. Louis Chess Club and Scholastic Center for the last few years. The World Chess Hall of Fame is in the same building. 

How did the two queens get next to one another on the nearer board?  If white made the last move, black is going to lose its queen within two moves (I think).  Then white takes that pawn  in the farthest file to the last row and turns it into a queen. Game over.           


  1. I never learned the game. In kindergarten I had to twins called Samuelsson that played the game. The whole family was obsessed with chess. I wonder sometimes what happened to them.

  2. You've got the moves Bob :) I used to play with my dad, really enjoyed it.

  3. Like Grace I used to play with my dad.

  4. You certainly know way more about it than I do. It's just pieces on a board to me. I have great admiration for anyone who can play this game.

  5. I'm very rusty on the concept. There's a park here with a board inlaid into the wood on three or four tables, so one will often see chess players in warm weather.

  6. I used to be quite good at it but can't remember how to play now...

    Re. the autumn colours in Versailles: I'm finishing a series of pics taken two weeks ago. For the most part, the blazing colours are gone now.
