Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rehab Job

The Family Farm 2015-11-27 2

The old barn needs lots of work but that doesn't mean that the family farm is down and out. There is another wooden barn in good repair (but not so photogenic) and new metal buildings for the machinery, as in the second picture. Mel and Pat still have cattle and grow hay and corn. They still need side jobs, though.                             

Very few photos this weekend. Freezing rain continued off and on through Saturday, limiting movement. The sky was leaden. The annual Santa parade, held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, was postponed due to Marshall County's icy roads. It should get progressively warmer as we drive east on our way home today.

The Family Farm 2015-11-27 4


  1. Why o why makes a little decay something more attractive for photographers? Perhaps that it gives the eye more to chew on.

  2. Great decay shots. Love the B&W here.

  3. Decay and the sense of a looming hard winter, Bob.

  4. Out having fun with the wide-angle lens are we!
