Monday, November 23, 2015


Garden Glow at MoBot 2015-11-20 7
The statue of Persephone has long stood beside the home of Henry Shaw, founder of the Missouri Botanical Garden. She was a goddess with a complex role in Greek mythology, most importantly for the growth of grain and vegetables. (She doubled as queen of Hades.) The sculpture is lit for maximum drama at night.
Garden Glow at MoBot 2015-11-20 8


  1. Night time photography is always a challenge and you do it beautifully. I really like the top photo.

  2. How something could look much bigger then in reality. Very wel shot. I like it.

  3. I like the way it's lit up and your photo of it is super.

  4. A bit spooky, too. I love how they've arranged this, with the lighting.

  5. A beautiful sculpture, and well lit.

    Mythology fascinated me growing up. Persephone and her mother Demeter always seemed to get less attention than some of the other Greek gods... probably because Hera was always trying to throttle Zeus for cheating on her, thus hogging all the attention.

  6. Queen of Hades AND veggies :) that's quite the contrast :) Super shot Bob.
