Friday, November 20, 2015

Abandon All Hope You Who Enter Here

Casino Entrance

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate, the inscription on the gates of hell in Dante's Inferno. Perhaps it should be added to this entrance to our downtown casino. The building itself is in a pedestrian-unfriendly location a bit off from downtown and behind a major highway. They built a tunnel that comes up on Broadway across from the football stadium. Don't go down there thinking you're lucky.


  1. It still looks great in black and white. Something nice about all those windows.

  2. It does make a super b&w image Bob, dramatic, but not as dramatic as if you're tempted to go in!

  3. Not a place I'd go even if I did gamble. I like old-world casinos like these.

  4. The shot in B&W is just great and so is your commentary! :-)

  5. You are so right! The house always wins.

  6. Excellent shot. I've never gambled even a cent...

  7. Interesting architecture, I like the B&W treatment! Ah, gamblers, people full of hope and little appetite for work.

  8. Strangely appropriate to render it in black and white.
