Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Last Lanterns

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 46

Some last lantern festival pictures. The displays are spectacular but they are hard to really appreciate in a photograph. There are a few more good ones to edit. I'll say something here when the Flickr set is finished.

Time on to move on to the next late summer STL event. We'll start with a cricket batsman.                       

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 44

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 45


  1. I do think the lanterns are impressive!

  2. I think the shots from the lantern festival have been fabulouso Bob, you captured them so much better than my lantern shots last year:)

  3. They're beautifully designed, and you've photographed them so well!

  4. You did a really good job with all the photos from the festival.
