Sunday, September 6, 2015

A Bit Sinister

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 27

Just down the path at the Lantern Festival. Feels somewhat dark and angry to me.

But then yesterday I caught the scene at the bottom. And we've got another festival after the lanterns before this last one that I haven't started editing. And one of our two major art fairs is next weekend. The town is hopping.                     

Lantern Festival MoBot 2015-08-28 28

Japanese Festival 2015-09-05 1


  1. Sure is a happy kid in that last photo, that was usually my expression when photographed as a youngster.

  2. The lantern festival has been a treasure trove of brilliant images for you Bob, have enjoyed them all. Sounds like a hectic cultural period in St Louis, good luck :)

  3. These balloon/lanterns are really fantastic! I have enjoyed this series.

  4. The people who created these lantern sculptures did beautiful work. The kid looks quite put out!
