Monday, May 11, 2015

Madeleine Monday

Madeleine 2015-04-28 2

Haven't had the tyke on in awhile. We had dinner with Emily, Brian and Ellie, as we call her, Saturday night, as we do most weekends. It's not safe to take her to restaurants any more because she tends to erupt around her 8 o'clock bed time and there's nothing you can do with her but bring her home.

She's almost 21 months and is developing quite a personality. Surprisingly, she doesn't talk at all yet except occasionally "doggie!" when the family pet goes by. Emily has taken to calling her R2D2 because, in situations where she should be starting to speak, she let's fly with a stream of nonsense syllables and then shakes with laughter, obviously pleased with her comedic talent. She loves music. If a car drives down the street with a loud sound system she has to stop and dance. Her receptive language is fine. If Emily says "Show me your nose, show me your feet" she always gets it right. Except last night. When Emily said "show me your ears," Ellie responded with a loud pppbbbffftt! "Show me your fingers." Pppbbbffftt!  And so on, followed by howls of laughter. We're raising a comedian.

She is sensitive to noise. The middle picture was a reaction to the dishwasher turning on. We don't know how she learned the behavior. Her parents didn't teach it to her and she doesn't get to watch television. 

Bottom, Ellie, mom and grandma out for a walk in the neighborhood. By the way, that shirt with the fake Chicago Cubs camera strap is from Uncle Andy in that city.                           

 Madeleine 2015-0509 1

Madeleine 2015-04-28 3


  1. elle a un magnifique regard. Superbe

  2. Great snippets of life from a doubtless great character in the making. Love that first portrait not to mention the t-shirt.

  3. Oh my she is prettier every time we see her Bob, what a sweet little treasure. She'll be talking soon enough, I can just hear her now.."but why grandad, why?":)

  4. What a little cutie! No need to worry about the talking yet. All kids develop on their own timetable. :)

  5. Oh my gosh, it doesn't get any cuter than that top shot!

  6. She is adorable! I wonder, from your mentioning the noise she seems sensitive to, if her hearing is better than most people.

  7. On top of everything else, you're probably raising a photographer... She's such a darling!

  8. She's growing so fast!

    I worried when my son was late to talk. His pediatrician told me to stop worrying, that once he started I'd be wondering when he'd STOP talking.

    He was right.
