Saturday, May 9, 2015

I Love Rock And Roll

People's Joy Parade 2015-05-02 32

Joan Jett, where are you? I see this drummer every year in the PJP.  You have to wonder about him. His body is in great shape but what about his brain?

There is a spring street fair in Ferguson today. Yeah, that Ferguson. I may go check it out.                     People's Joy Parade 2015-05-02 33


  1. I love seeing people having fun like this. If only we could all be a little more "free" with our emotions and not worry about what others think.

  2. Surely he must be a lawyer. This is just his way to get out from it all.

  3. Looking to good to the muppet show I guess.

  4. I have really enjoyed the great set of images of the People Joy Parade, Bob.

  5. I would love to hear the soundtrack to these images Bob :)

  6. Well he certainly does stand out. I find myself wondering if some of these people lost bets!

  7. That's a friend of mine, Galen Gandalfi; he owns Fort Gondo, one of the first, if not the first gallery on Cherokee Street. He's a great guy, incredibly creative, and does all sorts of interesting things on the street.

  8. I think William may be onto something there!

  9. JJ was in Portland last night!

  10. Bob, Bob! I thought you were liberal.
