Friday, April 24, 2015

Let's Do This

Let's Do This (This Way To The Arch)

Yeah, finish the %&@$# Arch area renovations. The construction people have closed off all the entrances to the Arch grounds but one, and it's not in a terribly convenient location. Hence these stencils painted all over downtown sidewalks; without them most visitors would never find the way in.

Oh, and the traffic problems from tearing up and rerouting so many streets. There is an international robotics competition for high school students in town. Yesterday morning, while driving the new convoluted route to my office, a group of kids wearing Norwegian flag jackets almost walked into my car. They were either confused by the deconstructed intersection or awestruck by the glories of downtown St. Louis. I couldn't tell which.                       


  1. Ha, good one. I imagine if the tourists would look UP instead of looking at the sidewalk, they'd see the arch.

  2. Nice that the let's do it sign is a bit hidden. I see also a creative use of symbols in your text. Nice expression. May be used a bit more for stupid decisions of the planners and managers around the world.

  3. I'm so glad I don't have to go downtown!

  4. VERY unique take on your Arch series. You thought maybe I wouldn't catch it?

  5. Tell me about it Bob , exactly what's happening with Elizabeth Quay !
