Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sort Of Thursday Arch Series

Some readers have undoubtedly noticed the lack of Arch pictures lately. The reason is that the huge renovation of the surrounding area is going full blast. The Arch grounds and vicinity are a complete wreck. It limits photo opportunities.

These are a couple of shots from behind the parade, looking east down Market Street. My stainless steel friend is still out there.                                  

St Patrick's Parade 2015-03-14 25


  1. There's no 'sort of' here Bob, that's an excellent Arch image, different aspects shake it up a bit :) lots of celebrators on the street, wonder how many are actually Irish :)

  2. The combination in the first photo gives me a little Walt Disney kind of feeling. Perhaps the combination of the two towers right looks very strongly on a castle tower roof with the abutment of the arch.

  3. I like the first shot a lot. That is a nice urban view of the arch.

  4. That first one is VERY acceptable.

  5. The Arch stands out no matter where you're photographing it from.

  6. It's still the Arch...and no matter what else is in the frame, it will always stand out.

  7. What do you mean, sort of Thursday Arch series?!! These are perfect and alive!

  8. Looks good to me, especially the first photo.
