Friday, March 13, 2015

Musée des Fleurs

Art In Bloom 2015-03-08 7

If you are from this part of the world, anything sounds better if you say it in French.

A couple of final shots from Art In Bloom at our art museum. That's a Rodin bust in the top photo but I can't identify it on SLAM's web site.

Some urban landscape tomorrow for a transition, then the high flyin' leprechauns at our St. Patrick's day parade. 

Oh, and happy Friday the Thirteenth.                        

Art In Bloom 2015-03-08 8


  1. Gosh that's a glorious splash of colour in the first beautiful bunch, almost puts Rodin in the shade :)

  2. I can't say I'll miss that show. Push on to urban landscape.

  3. That certainly has the look of a Rodin.

  4. Nicely captured still life shots! The lighting and colors are great, which can be tough indoors.
