Sunday, March 22, 2015

Eighth Anniversary

8th and Chestnut

Today is the eighth anniversary of this quixotic project. 2,911 posts, every day I had internet access. The only things that stopped me were obstacles like many time-zone plane rides, being upwind of a Himalaya and such. It is an obsession, a sickness. It has probably been good for me. Everybody needs an outlet, especially lawyers.

Of course, sometimes I wonder why. Blog addiction keeps me from doing lots of other things. Yet there will be another post tomorrow morning, the 2,912th, a picture of Madeleine and a puppy. What could be wrong with that?                          


  1. Nothing at all. Just keep the photos coming. Oh, and congrats.

  2. Marvelous brought in the picture. 8 and one way to go in the direction of the arch. Very well thought out but of course as a lawyer you don't do things otherwise. Congratulations with this milestone.

  3. Congratulations Bob! Keep them coming for many more.

  4. CHAMPAGNE mon ami pour cet anniversaire, et pour ce jour de fête une photo de ta muse préférée de SL "L'Arche" (évidement on ne compte pas ta petite fille ;o) )
    Bon Anniversaire, tu es dans mon top des DP depuis longtemps , alors bonne continuité et continue encore longtemps (ce qui n'est pas facile tout les jours). Bises a la Bob'Familly

  5. I'm a long-time lurker, but breaking my silence today to congratulate you on your milestone post!

  6. Yes, another lurker, former St. Louisan living in Canada. I love checking out your blog every day. Thanks!

  7. Congratulations! I know exactly what you mean!

  8. Happy Blogoversary!

    A good shot to mark the day.

  9. Happy blogiversary! This year will also be my eight year of photoblogging (over a number of cities). It is sometimes a chore, but I enjoy seeing all the cities and doing my best to present mine.

  10. Congrats!
    Some of my fav images of yours are in your Arch series. It seems to lurk everywhere in your city. Peek-a-Boo.

  11. Happy blogaversary! I'm struggling to finish my 6th year in Barcelona. Struggle it is sometimes, but I will win it!

  12. Lol! I hear you!

    I'm late of course but bon anniversaire quand même !

  13. Moi aussi, late as usual :) HUGE congrats Bob, and what a brilliant shot to celebrate the day... now I'm going to check our next Madeleine post :)
