Saturday, January 10, 2015


Cheap Gas

I suppose that the plunge in gasoline prices affects most of the world. Missouri has some of the lowest prices in the country. This is a low-tax, low-service state.  Actually, the price has popped back up a bit. When I filled up at this station the day before this picture was taken the price was $1.75 per gallon.

For our European readers, the price in this photo is about € 0.425 per litre. Damn few Caddilac Escalades on the Périphérique.                     


  1. Wow here it is €1,47 per litre.

  2. Had not seen gas prices go down like this in a long time.

  3. Same price as s.c. here in Belgrade, and to repeat, that is ONE LITER, so roughly 4 liters to the gallon. No matter what the price in the US, I always find it amusing when Americans complain about the price of gas.

  4. That is low. The lowest I've seen here is $1.95.

  5. We're still at about 2.20 at my latest fill-up. I'd really be surprised if we dip below $2 this winter up here.

  6. We're around eighty five cents a litre right now, which is a price I never thought I'd see again.

  7. I think I heard ours is the cheapest in the country right now....

  8. Hopefully, we will be below £1 a litre in the UK, soon. :-)
