Tuesday, December 30, 2014

NYC Transportation

New York City 2014-12-27 23

Few New York subway stations lobbies are as spiffy as this one under a newer, high-priced office building. Most stations are around a century old and pretty gritty (although I think many in Chicago are even more barren). 

People can try getting around on a bicycle if the weather is good, although you may take your life in your hands doing so in this city. Maybe it's okay on a simple, slow bike with a sumo wrestler on the front to push away obstacles.                   

New York City 2014-12-27 22


  1. Nice observations. When we where in Chicago 3 years ago I saw how especially the loop construction was very rusty al the way and was wondering who was responsible for it. About the creepy font in my posting of yesterday I gave a little explanation there.

  2. Mass transit or mass confusion. I don't know what to think looking at your first shot.

  3. This is the only time in my life I'll say this: the sumo wrestler's cute!

  4. Well spotted reflections. Very cool shot!

  5. Should I buy a Sumo Wrestler for me Steel Horse?
