Friday, December 5, 2014

Blue Light Special

Garden Glow 2014-12-02 8

Blue and green were the dominant if not exclusive colors at this year's Garden Glow. The top picture is of the Climatron, a geodesic dome that contains variations on tropical environments, and its reflecting pool, rather busy at the moment.

Below, the reflection of a bare tree in another pool and a tree covered in blue LEDs. The green at the lower left is the Climatron.

The reference in the title may be obscure to international readers. If interested see here.                         
Garden Glow 2014-12-02 9

Garden Glow 2014-12-02 7


  1. la classe, tes photos sont magnifiques (et avec le peu de lumiere, des photos qui ne doivent pas etre facile a prendre) , j'adore ces jeux de couleurs

  2. These are fine night shots, but I just don't understand LED lighting on an outdoor Christmas tree. So very blaaaaaa!

  3. The Climatron has always been my favorite spot at the Garden!

  4. I'm absolutely mesmerized by all three posts!
