Saturday, November 29, 2014

On The Farm

On The Farm 2014-11-28 1

Out to Mrs. C's family farm for the day yesterday. It's been owned for some years by her youngest brother, Mel, and his wife, Pat.

There was one cornfield that hadn't been harvested. Mel said it had been too wet. So, having little better to do, he brought out the combine and grain truck and got to work. The combine is a monstrous, complicated machine that rips the ears off the stalks, the kernels off the ears, and then pumps it out a chute into the truck bed.

Mel gave son Andy and his wife, Claire, a lesson on driving the combine. Lots of levers and pedals. Not a driving experience he's likely to have on the streets of Chicago.                  

On The Farm 2014-11-28 2

On The Farm 2014-11-28 3


  1. Amazing what these machines can do these days. I saw on in action at a Fair a couple of years back. Can do everything but feed it to the livestock, I guess.

  2. They really are massive vehicles.

    My cousin took on the farm that his parents started, so he's still tending to the apple orchard and keeping things going well.

  3. I wouldn't mind having a go at that myself Bob, can you just imagine :) :)

  4. That must have been fun for them. I always enjoy watching the local farmers at work.
