Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Your Face Here

Hispanic Festival 2014-09-28 8 (Your Face Here)

Everyone has seen these, boards painted with people in goofy costumes, cartoon characters or politicians (note the similarities). These are vaguely Latin outfits. Stick your face in the hole and pretend you speak better Spanish than I do.


  1. Years ago I created a flickr group for this sort of fun, but it never took off so I closed it.

  2. I'd try out the gal... my other side, I guess.

  3. I could probably manage "si, senorita", and that would be the limits of my Spanish.

  4. I can speak Spanish--I'm a little rusty, though, except for the profanity I often hurl at my neighbors.

    I have a picture of Collin, taken at Bevo Day years ago--his face was in a ghost being pursued by Pac-Mac.
