Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wouldn't It Be Nice

Nice 2014-08-27 19

There's nothing quite like it in the US. I love the French custom of row after row of restaurants with outdoor seating, squeezed into old, narrow streets. It's just ideal for people watching and photo sniping, like here in the Old City of Nice.

Nice 2014-08-27 20


  1. It's one of the many reasons I moved to France 23 years ago, Bob. People often ask what it is about France that I love - so much of course but one word that sums it up and is included in what you've written today is 'ambiance.'

    Bon voyage and come back soon. We'll still be here and ready to welcome you both again. xxx

  2. Its very nice, your Nice photo's

  3. Carolyn said you both really enjoyed it.

  4. I really liked your post about Wouldn't It Be Nice

  5. What. No eating outdoors in the US. Weird, you should visit Sweden, if it is possible to eat outdoors without freezing to death we will do it.

  6. We have lots of outdoor dining in West Hartford, but the experience and facilities are new and have not developed the patina of the decades as they have in France.
