Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sur la Côte d'Azur

Nice 2014-08-27 2

It's been a full if jet-lagged day of walking around the old city in Nice, eating French food (there must be a McDonald's here but I haven't seen it) and trying hard to communicate with the locals. With the additional practice, I think that French has edged out Spanish as my best language that I'm bad at.

Note that the beach here is made of small, smooth rocks, not sand. Everyone brings a roll-up wood slat mat rather than just a towel.

As you can see at the bottom, Mrs. C and I are thinking of you, gentle reader, the whole time we're here.
Nice 2014-08-27 3

Nice 2014-08-27 4

Nice 2014-08-27 1


  1. Do they still have nude beaches there?

  2. Top photo is great. That is a serious sky. Enjoy Nice.

  3. Funny .2 years ago i stood on the same place to make a picture of boulevard d'anglais going up with the elevator. Had a nice time there. Hope you have one also.

  4. I never knew that the beach was made from stones. It sounds uncomfortable.

  5. Thanks for thinking of me. You could have asked if I wanted to come on this trip.
