Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Chacun A Son Goût

Pagan Picnic 2014-06-07 1

This Pagan Picnic that I mentioned a couple of days ago isn't a real big deal. People who have generally out of the mainstream religious views show up with various mystics, tarot card readers, spiritual travelers and those trying to sell them something. Many are deliberately strange. The small gathering can be a bit sad but it's good that The Lou is diverse enough to have the affair.

There were an awful lot of tattoos, not surprisingly. Readers of this blog know my attitude about them but, hey, your skin belongs to you. Still, it's hard for me to understand why someone would want that on the back of their leg. Each to their own taste.

Any troublemakers might have a hard time taking the agent below seriously. How about a little gravitas?                                

Pagan Picnic 2014-06-07 2


  1. la sécurité c'est mise au gout du jour, très caméléon ;)

  2. Somehow tie-die does not scream "security".

  3. I'll also never understand tattoos, but as you say, each to his own!

    PS: I sent you an email with some ideas for Berlin. I hope you got it.

  4. You do have diversity in St. Louis!!!

  5. People are weird. There are good weird and bad weird. I like good weird.

  6. I am weird and I hope I'm good weird. That would be without tattoos in my case.

    Three of your blog posts just showed up on my reading list all together...
