Monday, March 31, 2014

The Light

Milles Fountain 2014-03-30 2

I didn't intend to run this today. There was some color and a Monday Madeleine planned but what the family was doing last night took soooo long that I didn't have time to edit the pictures (or get many comments written). This is the beginning of a series I planned to start on Tuesday.

So anyway . . .

More black and white - it's calling to me. I was wandering around the somewhat barren Aloe Plaza (obviously a good place to go if you have a sunburn) taking snaps of the Milles Fountain, seen here many times before. The title is The Meeting of The Waters, an artistic monument to the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers just north of here.  The light didn't look great until I noticed the wonderful highlights and shadows from the back-lit side of the pieces. It looks like arising from the depths into the sun.

More of this later in the week.



  1. Tuesday is triangles day.

    Your angle is fabulous.

  2. In this statue you see that a fish and a bird has a lot in common a bit artistic interpreted. Nice detailed shot.

  3. I guess I should visit MillesgÄrden one day. He lived and worked there and today it is a museum.

  4. Great light on the statue. It makes its facial features look Mayan.

  5. Beautiful detail image Bob.. I think b&w can get quite addictive.. good thing you're good at it :)
    Missing Madeleine Monday though!

  6. It looks very dramatic in black and white, Bob.
