Sunday, February 2, 2014

Gee But It's Great To Be Back Home

Fog Along The Railroad

Let sunshine be banished. The forecast in Tamarindo every day was 94F/34C and sunny. How monotonous. Let's get back to the Midwest.

This railroad runs near the Mississippi just south of downtown. The smokestacks in the background are across the river in Illinois. The reference in the title is to a very old Simon & Garfunkel song I can't get out of my head today. 

I have no idea why there is a windsock on the pole. Not like helicopters are buzzing in and out of the area. Maybe the sign (hard to read here) that this is an emergency meeting point has something to do with it.                                 


  1. Too much sunshine is definitely overrated hey Bob :)

  2. What a contrast to what you've living through lately. Back to the real world for you!

  3. I have never seen skies like that in Tamarindo.

  4. Ah, foggy dreary, just like here until today.

    Enjoy your evening off the Super Bowl! :-)

  5. Foggy days have their own photographic uses, of course...

  6. 34C and Sunny sounds wonderful. Your photo looks just like the current weather situation in Haninge.
