Sunday, February 16, 2014

Birthday Cakes

Cake At The Old Courthouse

A couple more STL250 birthday cakes since Saturday was so busy. No time to shoot, except a few of my granddaughter, for whom there's always time. I spent the day yesterday (and will again today) at a traveling workshop put on by the Rocky Mountain School of Photography. Very good quality and lots of new ideas. Then out to dinner with the next two generations at a new barbeque and taco joint (how could you go wrong?) on Gravois called Spare No Rib.  Good eats. Long day.

So, the top cake is in front of what we call the Old Courthouse, the other outside of the Old Cathedral a block away.  The list of all 250 cake locations, one for every year of the city's history, has been released, but they haven't all been baked and distributed. Lots of them will turn up here through the course of the year.       

Cake At The Old Cathedral


  1. Congratulations to St. Louis. It seems such a short time to a European but of course I realise it's not. And of course I envy you the photography course. You'll love that and I look forward to your reportage.

  2. Have a great Sunday Bob. Love the cakes.

  3. Looking forward to seeing all of the cakes!

  4. They're both visually appealing cakes. A quarter millenium is an extraordinary date to mark.
