Monday, January 27, 2014

A Last Visit With The Music Students

Liberia Music Students 9

Some final shots of the music students. The first one got the most views of the set on Flickr (where there are several more - link in the right sidebar). We needed to have an ensemble shot, too.

The school is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Youth.  If you read some Spanish (you can machine translate, of course) and care to look, there is information about Costa Rica's national music education program here. Pretty cool.

While I was shooting, one of the young violinists started playing the Ode to Joy. I began to sing along in the original German: Freude, schöner Götterfunken . . .  She gave me the most puzzled look and then, as I persisted in my low-quality baritone, the biggest smile. That's why I love to travel.      

Liberia Music Students 7

Liberia Music Students 17


  1. Music education is so enriching, yet it is often one of the first things cut when education budgets get tight, which is way too often.

    I am glad that you have opened our eyes to the music school in Liberia.

  2. Super series of posts Bob.. The best time to start learning a musical instrument.. takes a lot of practise and dedication though ..

  3. Outstanding shots, particularly the ensemble. I agree with Dave- music and arts enrich our lives, but so often get cut by politicians and school boards trimming the budget.

  4. Would have been fun to hear you sing with these young musicians.

  5. Your portrait of the young violinist is excellent.
