Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pinocchio Needs A Scarf Today

Pinocchio In Snow

Winter has arrived in St. Louis in earnest. Someone always puts a scarf around Pinocchio's neck in Citygarden at this time of year. It's not enough. Look at those sleeves and pant legs. At least he has gloves.

I think my attempt at humor in yesterday's post was a bit over the top. That is not a tanker full of coffee headed for an emergency delivery in Seattle. If you look closely, the back of the truck says "the best coffee on the Interstate." It belongs to a chain of gas stations, convenience stores and truck stops along the main highways. The truck is actually full of gasoline.          


  1. Pinocchio looks delighted to see the snow Bob.. I would be too, that's never going to happen in Perth, in fact I think we may be looking at a 40C for Christmas day...want to swap :))

  2. How he maintains his cheerful posture amid the cold weather should be an inspiration.

  3. What a great photo. I think I see my favorite building in the background.

  4. Jiminy Cricket's off somewhere getting hot chocolate, I presume?

    A fun shot, Bob!

  5. I like the photo in CityGarden, with the bright scarf standing out amidst the white and brown tones... but regarding your comment about yesterday's post, I was going to ask if the "coffee" in the tanker was flammable.

  6. He looks so welcoming of the weather. I like that scarf, the right colors for this holiday season. As always, Bob, your photos are just fabulous.
