Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas In The Lou

Madaleine's First Christmas 2

Christmas Day on the South Side at Emily, Brian and Madeleine's home. Brian's parents and brother were here, along with our son Andy and his fiancee Claire.

Madeleine, of course, made out like a bandit. Above, Aunt Claire helps her inspect a new toy.

It is a good thing to have a professional chef in the family and Brian lays out quite a spread. He is doing something with duck as I write this.

Below, Grandma Carolyn tries to keep our star amused. Even Killian, the family dog, was dressed for the day. And it wouldn't be Christmas without a new lens for the author of this blog (picture taken with the gift itself).

We'll be in New York by late this morning, over to New Jersey in the afternoon. Sure to be a photo safari in the big city.        



Madaleine's First Christmas 3

Christmas Loot


  1. Merry Christmas, Bob. Enjoy that Macro lens, it is a TON of fun! I have the same one myself… it opens up a whole new world...

  2. Yummy shots and beautiful kids/dog!

    Must say that when I read 'Christmas in the Lou' my mind transformed that into 'Christmas in the Loo', which would be odd...! :)

  3. Nice set of images Bob. Enjoy the East coast visit with the family.

  4. A good time was had by all, I see. Have fun with the new toy.

  5. Joyeux Noel ;) beau cadeau ton nouvel objectif

  6. Excellent shots, Bob!

    Killian's wondering how long he must put up with this...
