Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday Arch Series

Arch 2013-11-02 2

Taken on the same day as last week's Arch photo, and with the same technique. It's so pretty it looks fake, the kind of dressed-up picture you might see on a web site for a resort or a new housing development.

I've been pretty bad about visiting my friends' blogs this week. I've been working stupid hours. Hasn't been much time between coming home, having dinner and falling asleep. This will get better, I hope.        


  1. You are right, it makes for another beautiful shot from this angle too. I must say, though, that last week's shot was most unusual and I am glad you took that photograph too.

  2. Oh, the fall colors around the Arch are soooo beautiful!

  3. Awesome composition. One of my favorite from your series. You always surprise me on Thursday.
    By the way I like the Madeleine Mondays.

  4. This one and last week's are beautiful, Bob. Just remember, being busy means more funds for that eventual retirement!

  5. I do enjoy HDR photos when you can't really tell that it is an HDR, this is close to that, well done.

  6. Looks very fake indeed, in a Reborn sort of way - weird and fun.
