Friday, November 29, 2013

My First Thanksgiving

My First Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving dinner at Elvira Kruse's Home in Marysville, Kansas. First, the star of our show, who has not decided it's time to wake up and smell the turkey.

Below, the family around the dinner table. From left to right, son-in-law Brian, daughter Emily, son Andy, prospective daughter-in-law Claire and Mrs. C (wearing her Calgary Stampede shirt). Bottom, sister-in-law Mary Lee and the birthday girl, my mother-in-law, 95 today and looking pretty good.         

Thanksgiving Dinner 1

Thanksgiving Dinner 2


  1. on voit que Madeleine a bien profite de sa 1er Thanksgiving ;) belles photos de famille

  2. Nice family scene and congrats to the birthday girl!

  3. A wonderful family Thanksgiving. Thank goodness many people put a traditional family Thanksgiving as the highest priority, rather than turning the holiday into another shopping day.

  4. Looks like you had an outstanding day. Now, for the leftovers and those turkey, lettuce and mayo babies!

  5. Terrific shots!

    The baby, of course, would much rather snooze her way through things...
