Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Red Sea

World Series Game 4 2013-10-27 7

Running low on material and I've been terrible on commenting on my friends' posts. New dimensions in overwork, or unfortunately, as St. Louisan Yogi Berra put it, deja vu all over again. So we got a couple of shots of the crimson mob entering Busch Stadium. The crowds are always enthusiastic, sometimes to the point of wackiness.                      

World Series Game 4 2013-10-27 6

World Series Game 4 2013-10-27 5


  1. tres bien vu la foule vu d'en haut, j'aime beaucoup

  2. These are way cool. Pity Versailles is too near Paris to have a big sports team.

  3. Glad to see that everyone if having fun.

  4. Good shots, Bob, and that last one has a lot of character!

  5. Oh that last shot is classic Bob :) great capture!
