Saturday, September 28, 2013

Reach For The Sky

Dancing In The Street 2013-09-21 3 OO1

I lost track of the groups and performers at Dancing In The Street, just concentrating on the shots before I had to run off to Forest Park for the balloon race. The light was sometimes hard to work with. These performers were under the shade of large trees while the wall behind was brilliantly sunlit. What to do? Something my job has taught me: improvise. Wing it.          


  1. Will the Redbirds and Bosox meet again?

  2. Beautiful, Bob. You nicely caught all of the dark tones in the middles and the light tones at the edges. A good subject for black and white.

  3. Looks good to me this one. Dancing in the streets sounds like a lot of fun.

  4. Love the look here Bob.. B&w ..perfect!
