Saturday, September 14, 2013


Hispanic Festival 2013-09-07 11

From one of several Latin clothing booths at the Hispanic Festival. An exceptionally daring dress, a beach wrap for St. Tropez? Not when you realize it's sort of a half-shell mannequin and we are looking at the back. The combination of items below is puzzling. Is that thing on top a reference to the Statue of Liberty's crown or something much more, um, kinky?                  
Hispanic Festival 2013-09-07 12


  1. One has to look twice to realize that yes, that is looking at the back! Otherwise it might have been the sort of thing Madonna might wear to the Grammys just to horrify the network.

  2. That better be the 'back' of that red dress. Cool shot.

  3. You had me fooled for a minute on the top photo until I rad your caption that you were showing the back.

  4. Looks a wee bit kinky to me haha! I enjoy your take on fashion Bob :))
