Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Around Banff

Banff 7

Monday turned out to be a much nicer day than was forecast.  We just stayed in town. Several of these pictures are of the Bow River, It starts in a glacier to the north and was one of the rivers responible for the inundation of Calgary a few weeks ago. The second photo is the Banff Springs Hotel, established well over a century ago by the Canadian Pacific Railroad. It's an historic place where you can quickly empty your bank account for a small room. The last three pictures were taken after dinner just outside our hotel room.

Long drive today up to the Columbia Glacier. You can take a special vehicle out on the ice and actually have a walk around. The weather should be perfect.                        

Banff 9

Banff 8

Banff 12

Banff 11

Banff 10


  1. les paysages sont magnifiques, et j'aime beaucoup la premiere photo (utilisation d'un filtre gris (nd) ? )

  2. I particularly like the capture of the movement of the water in the first photo.

  3. I have enjoyed watching your photo's! We visited the Canadian Rockies last September.

  4. Another great group of shots but I really like the one of the hotel.

  5. That second shot made me think you were in Europe!!! I've not travelled in Canada...looks like I've missed out!!!

  6. Spectacular shots, Bob. I see those, and it's like coming home again. And yes, Banff Springs is the sort of hotel that'll set one back... by a lot!

    I hope you've enjoyed getting up on the glacier. It really is an experience to be had.

  7. Canada is so incredibly beautiful!

  8. Marvellous images Bob, i must get over my fear of flying and visit Canada, it looks spectacular.
