Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Angels In America

Pridefest Parade 2013 9

I don't know if this chap had Tony Kushner's play in mind when he got this outfit together but to each his (or her) own. No lack of rainbow color patterns anywhere. Note the second flag flying in front of City Hall. 

There is so much to shoot here over the next few days my right index finger may fall off.

Pridefest Parade 2013 10

Pridefest Parade 2013 11


  1. un ange fashion et bien bronzé ;) Et je voudrais pas dire, mais avec sa gourde tu risques aussi des ennuis ;)))

  2. Very striking angel. Is today Thursday? I like the glimpse of the arch!

  3. It's nice to see an active LBGT community in St. Louis. Is it strong and widespread?

    Equal = Equal

  4. Well in ten minutes it will be Thursday here in Perth so ..yay an Arch shot :) Fun captures Bob, take care of that shooting finger!

  5. Quite an eclectic group of pics today, Bob!
