Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday Pink Arch Series

Komen Race 2013-06-15 6

Arches made of balloons are more transient than those made of steel, but all things must pass. Sometimes, though, the pink theme is taken too far.

Really low on material. I may have to take a submarine into the deep archives until I get to Chicago. Things will be awfully busy when we get there, too.       

Komen Race 2013-06-15 7


  1. tres reussie l'arche en ballon rose et jaime beaucoup le look du motard

  2. Double arch, very nice. Irish pink?

  3. Very cool idea the pink Arch! The biker on the other hand is a mine of contradictions haha! Sounds like things are hectic for you right now Bob, and also..aren't you going to be a grandad at some point soon?

  4. That's certainly a different take on it, Bob!

  5. Now that's one hard core biker!!!
