Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hors de Combat

Pillow Fight In Forest Park 2013-04-06 32

Do the dead litter the battlefield? Is this the carnage that follows a vicious pillow fight?

Not exactly, although this was the end of the event. From time to time, one of the STL Improv people would hold up a sign saying something like "Hop On One Foot" or "Spin Around 10 Times." The last one said "Take A Nap." It made for a strange end to a frenetic event.

I think we'll do the Arch on Thursday with a number of people dressed in red.          

Pillow Fight In Forest Park 2013-04-06 31

Pillow Fight In Forest Park 2013-04-06 30

Pillow Fight In Forest Park 2013-04-06 35


  1. I would win first place in the Take A Nap contest!

  2. Oh me too what Virginia said.. So tired these days I'd have to skip the pillow fight and go straight to the nap :)

  3. haha very nice photoes :)ı lıke it all

    regards from İstanbul

    see you

  4. Unicorns do get tired, after all....

  5. I would give Virginia a run for the money.
