Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tropical Birds

Monteverde Bird 1

Tropical birds in a wildlife sanctuary near Monteverde. Thanks to the scholarship of Mrs. C, the bird in the first and last photos has been identified as a blue-crowned motmot. The second is the hard-to-find resplendent quetzal and the third is a green toucanet.

By the way, the picture of the toucan was taken by our guide, Jorge. on my iPhone through his birder's spotting telescope. It's an ingenious technique.

I've been bombed at work since I got back, way too many hours. Dozing off as I write this. I'll get back to comments

Monteverde Bird 3 (Quetzal)

Monteverde Bird 4 (Green Tucan)

Monteverde Bird 2


  1. The colors are such a welcomed break from all the WHITE up here in this corner. Thanks.

  2. Gorgeous birds, Bob!

    Get some rest -:))

  3. Oh well done Bob, these are absolutely delightful.

  4. Don't believe I've ever seen a quetzal (even in a photo) before. Thanks for this.

  5. So you saw the elusive Quetzal? I remember wandering in the national parks of Costa Rica without such luck. Beautiful shots, congratulations.

  6. Print and frame the first and fourth photo.
