Saturday, February 9, 2013

For Want Of A Better Alternative

Soulard Pet Parade 2013-02-03 18

I have no new material so we have one last day from the dog parade. Silly people embarrassing their pets.

The main Mardi Gras parade is today, even though it's samedi matin. It's usually a hoot and I'll be there with Canons blazing. Pics starting tomorrow.

By the way, a copy of Julia Child's Mastering The Art Of French Cooking arrived at my office from Amazon on Wednesday. Unusually, no packing slip. I didn't order it. My wife and daughter profess to be clueless. Is there anyone in the audience who knows something about this? I have a suspect. At least the quality of my diet should improve.

Soulard Pet Parade 2013-02-03 19

Soulard Pet Parade 2013-02-03 17

Soulard Pet Parade 2013-02-03 16


  1. it seems st louis daily photo has gone to the dogs.

  2. I've enjoyed the pet parade photos, Bob. Thanks!

  3. Are these some gay-blade pooches? Oh, my!

  4. That last pic, the dog's thinking, "I'm so going to destroy your slippers for this travesty..."

  5. Completely insane but colourful too ;-)

  6. Do dogs have the right to bring charges against their silly owners?

  7. Hahaha! Hopefully one day there will be 'pay back' ..I say go for it doggies, chew those slippers with gusto!!

  8. The top and bottom ones are my absolute favorites. Can the participants say that "no animal was harmed in the making of this parade"? Considering the embarrassing outfits the owners are coming up with, they certainly have no consideration for their pets' self-esteeem. I must say it's hilarious though.
