Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Gray Lady

NYC 2012-12-27 6

The Gray Lady is the old nickname for The New York Times, so-called because it used to have huge amounts of print and little graphics. Not at all so now. You won't find better photojournalism and I'm a big fan of its Lens blog. The reputation for seriousness remains, however. Its motto is "All The News That's Fit To Print." When I lived in New York, people said it really should be "All The News That Fits We Print."

It is far and away America's best newspaper, IMHO. Carolyn and I read it daily, mostly online anymore. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is a piece of tissue by comparison.

Times Square was named for the paper - the headquarters building used to be right there. Since 2007 it has been in the modern tower shown above on 8th Avenue, opposite the enormous bus terminal. Times Square has lost its sleaze through the efforts of successive city administrations but the glow only gets brighter. It will be a madhouse tomorrow night with close to a million people in and around it to celebrate the new year.   

NYC 2012-12-27 2


  1. New Yawk, New Yawk, what a wonderful town...

  2. Rolling Stone Magazine took it a step further just plain "All the News That Fits!" hahahahaha I like that... any pretty true for most papers that remain today.

  3. le nouveau batiment du NEw York Times est magnifique, belle photo et belle lumiere, j'adore

  4. Somehow going to Times Square just once on New Year's Eve has a strangely appealing quality to it.

    How busy could it possibly be?

  5. I'm glad to be in NYC with you two, Bob. Thank for the Lens blog link!

    Here in Portland there is one daily newspaper, two alternative newsweeklies, and one neighborhood weekly with issues focused here and there over the metropolitan area.

  6. I thought the Times was the Gray Lady because it was insufferably stuck on itself and behind the times, like a dowager. Best paper? Wall Street Journal. Not for photography, of course.

  7. Here via Birdman's site, love your photos. I'll be back tomorrow.

  8. The bigger the newspaper the more bad news needed to fill it. You have to wonder why it is that bad news sells papers faster than good. I love reading the paper from cover to cover but sometimes have to have a break, disaster overload!! Here's wishing you a very Happy New Year Bob, see you next year.
